16 March 2007

Happy Dappy Bunnys

What do think of my new layout? I designed it myself. This new blogger isn't too bad after all. The Bunny Wabbit of Doom is in a bad mood, because the Happy Dappy Bunnies are here and refuse to leave. He has just had a filling in his teeth so he can't eat for 3 hours and the Happy Dappy Bunnies will probably escape before then . They are sooo cut though.... I can't help but like them. Which puts me in a spot of bother. I can't imagine The Bunny Wabbit of Doom being all too pleased with me for 'being on their side'. Obviously I'm not, because they don't live in a blog, and then neither could I. The Happy Dappy Bunnies, justlve in the space around blogs, the empty hills and blank HTML free meadows. T hey live in the empty void in the internet between worlds, homeless but happy, alien and belonging nowhere, and still more content with limitless emptiness than those who own a space to belong to. Sorry am I being too poetic? I better go the Hap-
Argh!!! Their attacking! The CUTENESS! NOOOO! TOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!


  1. i'm a wandom wabit and i'm looking for a home, hey maybe this is it --but only if there's html grass - hot & delicious & masticatingly lovely

  2. i'm a wandom wabit and i'm looking for a home, hey maybe this is it --but only if there's html grass - hot & delicious & masticatingly lovely

  3. look at this:


    if i studi opwa,
    will u sing with me?

  4. I can't believe I have finally got comments!!!!!!!!!!

    By the way, that film was funny.
