27 March 2007

Long Conversation

Hi, people. Thought the blog needed a few more conversations in it so here's one. Actually, I found a recording of it just recently. According to the date it's from when they were both little toddlers. Awww...

Marcus: It was mine!
Mary: Mine!
Marcus: Mine!
Mary: Mine!
Marcus: Mummy gave it to ME!
Mary: ME!!!
Marcus: It's MINE!
Mary: Liar, liar! Nappy on fire!
Marcus: Anyway, I just wet my nappy so it can't be on fire if it's wet!
Mary: HA HA!!! You wet your nappy!
Marcus:It's not FAIR!!!!!!! I hate you!
Mary: Aww... Does ickle wickle Marcy want his mumsy?
Marcus: NOOO!!! I'm telling the Lordess of Stuff and The Bunny Wabbit of Doom and...and...the peace fairy! Yeah, I'm telling the peace fairy. PEACE FAIRY! MARY IS BEING NASTY!!!! COME HERE!!!
Peace Fairy: Did somebody call? And was that fighting I heard? And...crying?
Mary: Marcus is a cry baby!
Peace Fairy: Now, now, don't fight. Marcus it's all right... Now make up and be friends.
Mary and Marcus: NOOO!!!
Happy dappy bunnies: Are you sad? We don't like sadness. Lets all be friends! Come and play with us.
Mary and Marcus: NOOO!!!
Happy dappy bunnies: We have a new football and goals!
Marcus: Yes please!
Mary: NOOO!!!
Happy dappy bunnies: And skipping ropes!
Mary: NOOO!!!
Happy dappy bunnies: And teddies and dollies!
Mary: NOOO!!!
Happy dappy bunnies: And little tea-sets and dolls houses and fairy dressing up costumes and pretty tiaras!
Mary: Are they real? I mean silver? Real silver?
Happy dappy bunnies: No-oo, but their just as pretty and look as nice and-
Mary: NOOO!!!
Happy dappy bunnies: *Whisper, whisper* Well, it's worth a try. Probably won't work. Nah... Well, maybe... Chocolate?
Mary: *silence*
Happy dappy bunnies: Told you it wouldn't work. Well, let's go.
Peace Fairy: Chocolate. I should have known. Speaking of which, I'll be off. Hmm... I wonder if I dipped fruit in it it would count as healthy?

Later that day...

Mary: The happy dappy bunnies were nice... *licks chocolate off her fingers*
Marcus: You didn't really like them.
Mary: 'Course I did, dumbo. *Takes bite out of her fifth chocolate bar. She will be fealing sick later*
Marcus: You only liked the choclolate.
Mary: Ok, so you're not quite so stupid.
Marcus: They liked me...
Mary: No, they liked me...
Marcus: Me, achooly.
Mary: ACTUALLY, you are stupid.
Marcus: Ok, so it's achoo-ally. They liked me better.
Mary: Really? Well, I think they liked me better.
Marcus: Well, how would you know? You're an ipod!
Mary: Hahaha! That was funny! SOO FUNNY! An ipod. I mean...oh, Marcus you are such and idiot.
Marcus: Sorry for breathing! NOT! Well, ok, you are an idea-pot.
Mary: You should be a comedian!
Marcus: Camelion yourself! They liked me best...
Mary: ME!
Marcus: ME!
Mary: MEEEEE!!!!

This, as you have probably guessed went on for some time.

16 March 2007

Happy Dappy Bunnys

What do think of my new layout? I designed it myself. This new blogger isn't too bad after all. The Bunny Wabbit of Doom is in a bad mood, because the Happy Dappy Bunnies are here and refuse to leave. He has just had a filling in his teeth so he can't eat for 3 hours and the Happy Dappy Bunnies will probably escape before then . They are sooo cut though.... I can't help but like them. Which puts me in a spot of bother. I can't imagine The Bunny Wabbit of Doom being all too pleased with me for 'being on their side'. Obviously I'm not, because they don't live in a blog, and then neither could I. The Happy Dappy Bunnies, justlve in the space around blogs, the empty hills and blank HTML free meadows. T hey live in the empty void in the internet between worlds, homeless but happy, alien and belonging nowhere, and still more content with limitless emptiness than those who own a space to belong to. Sorry am I being too poetic? I better go the Hap-
Argh!!! Their attacking! The CUTENESS! NOOOO! TOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!