03 November 2006


You all want a 'Who's Who' type explanation, right? Well since you've been good and visited my blog you will get one. Let's start with our host.
The Bunny Wabbit of Doom: He is my host. This blog is his territory, his lair. He is hosting me to get publicity. It is an insult to leave out the capitals in his name. The Bunny Wabbit of Doom is his name (it is not a title, got that?). He eats everything in his path unless it is of use to him. I am still trying to persuade him not to eat Mary and Marcus. He hates all things cheerful. His is big (the size of two cars)and black and has red eyes.
The bunny wabbits of doom: I am not insulting my host. These are not my host. These are his army. They search everywhere near the blog for invaders. They either chase them away or...erm...bring them back to dinner (for dinner more like). They look exactly like their master but smaller.
The Lordess of Stuff: Me! I am here to make the blog popular and to basically manage it. The Bunny Wabbit of Doom is the owner of the blog and I am the manager. Also I am very pretty and funny and kind and considerate and so on and so on......
Marcus and Mary: I hired them to liven up the blog. They certainly did that! They always argue. Which, I suppose, makes this blog quite funny.
The happy dappy bunnies: I did not hire them! They roam the lovely countryside around the hills. They are lovely pinky rabbits and they look soooooo adorable. That is only part of the reason they are banned. They are permanently happy, even if they are about to die. That really annoys my host and so one of the cooks best specialities is roast bunny marinaded in their own blood.
The peace fairy: I certainly did not ask her to come hear. Mary and Marcus are pushing it a bit, so d'you think I'd invite her? No way, jose! However, she is a lovely person who only wants to do good. Her favourite time to crop up is when Mary and Marcus are fighting, but she comes at other times too. Did I miss anybody out? No? Okay, bye!


  1. man, that Bunny Wabbit Of Doom sure one sickkk, nasty puppy... i mean really "happy dappy bunnys maranaded in thier own blood"? geez. Um........ oops? maybeee i shouldn't have said he was nasty...or sick for that matter.... *runs away chased by the drooling Bunny Wabit Of Doom*

  2. em......... what happened to the pink background? i though that was quite nice. I suposse your host didn't like it?
