27 October 2006

Random convertsation...

Lordess of Stuff: Ah, hello! You must be the terrible twins, Mary and Marcus Am I correct?
Mary: Yes, my lady you are right.
Marcus: No, my lady you are incorrect. My name is in fact Mark. She tells a falsehood.
Mary: He's lying, my lady! His name is Marcus. And, Marcus, she don't speak posh. Ain't ya noticed, Marcus?
Marcus: Thou art wrong, Mary, for a sweet lady of high standards speaks not common and vulgar language as thou do.
Mary: Does so!
Marcus: Forgive me sweet lady as I will do a bad thing in front of you. Mary, you stupid! 'Course she speaks posh. She's a lady isn't she?
Mary: What would you know, you bird-brain?
Lordess of stuff: Don't argue you two. I hope this solves your problem. I do not speak posh, but do not mind being spoken to in such a manner. Now, I must welcome you to the Peace Fairy, who is just arriving.
Mary:Ha Ha! She ain't posh!
Marcus glares at Mary.
Peace Fairy: Hello, friends. You must be the terrific twins, Marcus and Mary. I have you quarrel often. Let us bring an end to all this and live in peace and harmony.
Mary: Not my fault.
Marcus: Is so.
Mary: Ain't so.
Marcus: I'm afraid it is.
Mary:Yeah, your right, I know what you mean. Is not!
Marcus: I said what I meant.
Mary: That'll be a first.
Peace Fairy: Now, now, children. It upsets me so to see you sad.
Lordess of Stuff: Hear, come the Happy Dappy Bunnies.
Happy Dappy Bunny: Lets play!
Bunny Wabbit of Doom: No such nonsence in my territory. Hear, we don't like happiness.
Happy Dappy Bunnies: We're doomed!
Happy Dappy Bunny: Lets make the most of. I vote we play tig!
Mary: I'm it!
Marcus: No, no, me!
Mary: But your pathetic at it ain't ya?
Lordess of Stuff: Party over! We're going home.
Marcus: GRRR! This is all your fault.
Mary: He's being provoking!
Marcus: Your bein' more pro-watsitcalled!
Mary: That's where your wrong!
Marcus: Is this pro...pro..proviky?
Hits Mary over the head.
Mary: Yup!
Hits him back.

Sorry, but we will have to leave the following scenes out for the safety of our smaller readers.
Do not try this at home.


  1. cant you see, people? she's desperate! please comment on her blog or she will go crazyyy!!!! Please, for my sake and hers, COMMENT!!!!!!!
