17 November 2008


Ok, guys. I'll tell you a bit about what's been happening, like I promised...

First of all, Qwertyuiop, the peace fairy, and of course Mary and Marcus. I say of course, because when is the peace fairy ever there if the McArthurs aren't? I mean, it's them she always has to stop fighting. The rest of us at the blog behave peacfully enough (ok, that's a bit of a white lie). But I'm getting sidetracked.

Mary- Marcus! You stole my teddy again!
Marcus- No I didn't!
Mary- You did so!
Marcus- Well..... I, eh, I-
Mary- See, Qwerty! I told you he did! Break his arm Qwerty! Like you did to the Lordess of Stuff, twice.
Qwertyuiop- Hnnnn..... hhesanrfvxvsjfivg, he nao? Suimg gaddv gduf!

Sorry, I forgot to tell you, Mary and Qwertyuiop (or Qwerty, as she calls him) have become great friends. She has learnt to understand his language ( though she can't speak it) and he has learnt to understand English (though he can't speak it). They sound rather funny when they have conversations. Oh, and by the way, for once, Marcus isn't lying. Mary just misplaced her teddy.

Mary- No! "Well...." in Marcus language means "yes".
Qwertyuiop- Washdg?
Mary- Yes, really! I'll prove it! Marcus?
Marcus- Uhuh?
Mary- Ay, "well" means "yes", Marcus?
Marcus- Well...
Mary- See? See, Qwerty?
Qwertyuiop- Hnnnn... I ppopseu os.
Mary- Good! Now. Break his arm.
Qwertyuiop- Op!
Mary- Please.....?
Qwertyuiop- Op! Op, op, op!
Mary- I hate you Qwerty!
Qwertyuiop- Op ee no...
Mary- Yes I do!
Qwertyuiop- Op ee no!
Mary- I do so!
Qwertyuiop- Ee no!
Mary- Do!
Qwertyuiop- No!
Mary- Hmph!
Qwertyuiop- Wasnti! Baorekkiy! Anfirb! Bitldlaj! Anjfjeib!
Mary- Oh no you didn't!
Qwertyuiop- Qswrr, wasnti! Anfirb!
Mary- Uh! Take that back!
Qwertyuiop- Bitldlaj! Bitldlaj! Bitldlaj! Bitldlaj! Anfirb!
Peace Fairy- Do I hear arguing voices? It must be those McArthurs! Mary! Marcus!
Mary and Marcus- Wasn't me!
Qwertyuiop- Op I!
Peace Fairy- What?
Mary- Wasn't me, he said.
Peace Fairy- Well, fo course it wasn't him! And Mary, I doubt I was you. Well, Marcus? Are you going to own up to picking a fight with Mary?
Marcus- No!
Peace Fairy- That's it! I may be called the Peace Fairy, but that means that I make others peaceful. I can be rather unpeacful myself!
Marcus- Boo Hoo! Sob, sob!
Suddenly, the Lordess of Stuff appears in shining armour.
Lordess of Stuff- Fear not, young Marcus! Help is at hand!
Marcus- What the......?
Lordess of Suff- I'm here to save you Marcus!
Marcus- Yeah, I got that. But how did you fit into my knights costume?
Lordess of Stuff- This isn't yours Marcus. Really.
Marcus- Peace Fairy! As you can see, she is a liar. It was obviously her that stole Mary's teddy, and picked a fight.
Peace Fairy- Your right, Marcus! I appologise sincerely for thinking it was you. Now, Lordess! You're grounded for a month.

Boo hoo!

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