05 October 2007

Birthday Party

Finally, I have destroyed all polluted puddles. Luckily, The Bunny Wabbit of Doom doesn't really seem to want to be a mutant zombie bunny anymore. Anyway, Mary and Marcus are having a huge birthday party, not for themselves but for some else whose birthday is today. You see they love parties and their latest exuse is that there are so many people in this world that it must be somebodies birthday, somewhere. So they are celebrating it. I tried to stop them but it seems they don't listen to me anymore. I suppose I could fire them.... Would you still visit the blog if there was no Mary and Marcus? I don't think I would. Anyway, I'll go chat to the guests.

Me: Hello.
Guest no1: Hello.
Me: I am the Lordess of Stuff. You may have heard of me?
Guest no1: Oh, I have! My children, Mary and Marcus have told me all about you. I'm so pleased to meet you!
Me: A pleasure. You must be Mrs MacAurthur, then.
Guest no1: Yes, I am. Marcus was telling me that you have-
Guest no2: FIRE!!! FIIIIIRE!!!!! FIRE IN THE KITCHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mystery Man: Fear not, my friends! I shall extinguish these flames of firey, flamey, burny-burny stuff!
Random other Guest: Oh, thank you kind man, you will save us all!
Another Guest: You are our knight in shining armour!
Everyone: Thank you!
Mystery Man: Run, my friends, but fear not! Go! Run!
Everyone leaves...

2 minutes later....

Mystery Man: AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: Shall I go inside and see if he's okay?
Mrs MacAurthur: Nah...It's not too loud. I'll put some music on which will help a little. Anyway, my cakes are nearly ready, and you don't want them to get cold.

Mrs MacAurthur pulls an oven and a piano out of her music, and as we watch the flames burning towards the sky, we eat cakes and listen to music.

Well, that was fun! Bye, I'll post again soon.

Why are you still here? Oh, that! It was only fake fire. Just a party trick of Mary and Marcus. I don't know why you worry so much. I mean even if the candles had set fire to the petrol we poured all over the floor.......

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