02 February 2007


Sorry! I haven't written in A...G...E...S. Sorry, was that freaky? Aah, well. We have a new character! It's...erm...who is it? Sorry exuse me for a moment...





What was that?


Ehm, ok.

Sorry about the delay. He says his name is Mystery-Man. I can't really describe him. He refuses to come out of the shadows.

Really, sir-


All right, I'll call you Mystery-Man. But, honestly... I understand perfectly if you a problem with your apearance, you can come out.


No, I won't photgraph you.


Well if you refuse to come out...

I have managed to snap a photo of him. However, all I could get was his logo, on his top. See above to view it.

Now, where was I?


Oh, yes! That!

I was telling you about Mystery-Man. As you may have guessed, he is a super hero. He solves mysteries and yet he is one (Now, wasn't that poetic? Why are you laughing?). In prose he is annonymous. He goes around saving the world and refuses to get the prase. To be honest, I don't see the point. It's not as if the moneys going to charity, so he might as well take it. Oh, here come visitors! Isn't that a nice welcome?

Lordess of Stuff: Lets all give him a warm welcome. Let me here you.

1 single person: Welcome...

Lordess of Stuff: That was pathetic. Come on! Cn I here you?

Everyone: Welcome.

Lordess of Stuff: I can't here you!

Everyone: WELCOME!!!!

Lordess of Stuff: Ouch. That was loud!

Ok, so that's over with. Gosh, they didn't have to shout! What? Well, maybe I encoureged them a tiny little bit but, really- Anyway, that's all just now! Until later, Bye Bye!

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