22 July 2008

Welcome home M-M and M&M!

Hello! Nothing new today, just wasting time and space. That sounds quite serious - time and space! Don't worry, what I meant was my time and blog space. I leave the serious stuff to Mystery Man. Not that he's any better at time-and-space-traveling than me. But at least it's him everyone will make fun of when the world blows up, and he's somehow landed on Mars, five hundred years ago rather than in some laboratory in the Arctic where the bomb is being made (Polar bears will have their revenge!!).

Anyway....I tried to get rid of Qwertyuiop, because he was only supposed to be staying in the blog to make up for the fact that Mystery Man, Mary and Marcus were all temporarily fired (for trying to take over the blog and for arguing with me) but as their all back, there's no need for him. And you know what that horrible, violent alien did? He broke my arm, just as it was pretty much healed from the last time he broke it. I don't think I can get rid of him. I'll have to put up a sign at the entrance to the blog saying 'Enter at own risk.' or 'Warning! Vicious alien'.

Mystery Man is being as annoying as ever and MacArthurs are back to their old tricks. If anything, they're worse after being fired. But I did miss them when they were away (well, Mary and Marcus, anyway). And the other day they were really trying to be helpful. Trying, I said. Not managing! It started in Mary and Marcus doing the dishes, turned into Mary and Mary breaking dishes, a THUD! for Mystery Man, and a few more broken dishes, and ended hospital waiting room.

Don't worry about Mystery Man, he'll be out of hospital soon. Worry about me, HE'LL BE OUT OF HOSPITAL SOON!