29 May 2008


Hello, Bunny Wabit of Doom, here.
I would just like to show you this short video (recorded by the blogs new CCTV cameras) proving how useless humans like you are. Tut, tut. It's from when the Lordess pf Stuff came back from holiday slightly earlier than me to pay the girl who had been looking after the blog for her.



Click, click click, click (shoes on HTML stone floor)

Scrunchgnfdaklrrrcrucnchchchh (keys in lock)


Shuffle, shuffle(slippers on HTML floor)

Sniff, sniff.

-Smells a little.........musty?

Shuffle, shuffle


-Dust? TUMBLEWEEEEEEED?! I better fing the blog dashboard.

Shuffle, shuffle

- Noooooo? Last post, 28 of December 2007?! Oh Deaah!

Shuffle, shuffle

Bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep!(dialing)

Riiiiiiiiiiing, Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiing, Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing, Riiiiiiiii- (ringing)


-Hello! It's me the Lordess of Stuff!


-What do I want? WHAT DO I WANT?!


-YES THERE IS NEED TO SHOUT! YOU LEFT THE BLOG FOR.............1....2....3....4...5! Almost- five months!


-I don't care about your stupid exuses!


-Now, don't try that line on me. I can tell you don't have flu!


-Because I can hear you don't have a blocked nose, and you haven't sneezed once yet!


-Well done! You managed to talk and hold your nose at the same time. You even managed to sneeze several times in between!


-You didn't know you were supposed to look after the blog?


-Did anyone ever tell you that a clinicly insane teapot full of truth potion, with a brain the size of a pea could lie better than you?


-Of course teapots don't have brains! Neither do you!


-Does she? I have a teapot too. A whole collection!


-Noooo? She does too!


- Really? I've been looking for that one!


- Oh, invite her round for tea at the blog some day!




See? Useless! But the Lordess of Stuff is worse.