25 October 2006

Cheese, pet rocks and randomisity: The truth

Pet rocks rock! Don't you agree? Well tough 'cos you should.
Q:Why do they rock?
A: How should I know?
Q:That was a question and not an answer!
A: That was a statement!
A: Yes! I tricked you into asking a question.
Q:Shut up.
Lord(ess) of stuff: I'm afraid I'll have to stop you there. O.M.G! I am actually talking to myself. I wonder why talking is spelt with an 'l' .....
Anyway, where were we. Ah, yes, cheese. Cheese isn't actually cheese, you know. It's just an excuse to be random. Did you know that? Probably not.
Randomisity? I just like the word and the meaning of it. That's all. Well. that's all folks! See ya! Well not actually see you just sort of see you. I mean, not with eyes it's just a figure of speech. I mean it's more than one figure 'cause it's got, let's see.... (this time I actually mean see) 3 letters. What are we talking about? Figures of speech or the word see? We aren't actually talking but you know what I mean. No? Oh well. I guess I just give up, only I'm not actually guessing I'm just thinking.
And there you are! You'r quick guide to randomisity including an excample. Some would call it rambeling on I suppose....